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EstateSync enables the distribution of real estate data to different German real estate platforms. With one request new listings are online instantly.

Customers of real estate applications want their properties to be published on ImmoScout24, Immowelt, Kleinanzeigen and other platforms. Some of these have their own API, some use the OpenImmo specification. Some require outdated FTP servers for data transfer, others complicated OAuth authentication mechanisms.

EstateSync is an intelligent layer that takes care of data transformation between your application and third party platforms. You don't have to worry about implementing several different integrations. Just one interface to rule them all.


EstateSync uses a few terms that uniquely identify an object in the API. The following appear more frequently:


An Account represents your access to the API. It contains all created objects, but also settings regarding administrators or billing. When registering, a new account is created automatically. We recommend using one account for local development and a separate account for the production system.


A Property represents the real estate as a physical object — with a specific type, an address, several fields and images or other attachments.


A Target represents the connection to a platform like Kleinanzeigen or ImmoScout24. Different properties are to be published on these Target-platforms.


A Listing represents a publication of a Property on a Target. The creation of a Listing therefore creates an ad on a Target. If a Property is changed while there are active Listings of it, the corresponding ads are automatically adjusted. Thus, the Targets always display the current version of a Property. Deleting a Listing leads to the deactivation of the ad on the corresponding Target.


A Contact represents a contact person for one or more properties. Usually, the contact data of the contact person (name, phone, email, ...) is displayed next to the ad.


A request represents a contact inquiry that an interested lead can send on a platform. This request usually contains a message and details about the lead.